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Miller: McConnell open to government shutdown. Doin' it Gingrich style, y'all.
According to wingnut Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller, potential Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is open to a shut down of the federal government.
Huff Post
In a fascinating interview with the National Review, Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller said that in a private conversation with Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader expressed openness to the idea of a government shutdown
"There was a comment made at breakfast this morning about shutting down the government, and he reacted in a positive way," Miller told the Review's Robert Costa. "I'm not going to quote him, but I think that he recognizes that that's on the table."
A spokesman for McConnell's office said he could not attest to the anecdote's veracity as he was not in the private meeting.
"I don't know what reacting in a positive way means or what the comment was," said the spokesman. "So it's tough for me to hypothesize on it."
Miller has pushed the idea of shutting down the government as a means of forcing the president's hand on a host of legislative matters. The primary battle will likely occur over repealing health care reform. Should a Republican-led Congress pass a budget that defunds the law, the president would either have to sign or veto the measure. Sans budget, the government could come to a halt, much like it did under the Newt Gingrich-led House during the Clinton administration.
Rachel vs. Teh Crazee
h/t Cesca
Maddow was on fire last night. She was attempting to interview a crackpot Republican, Art Robinson, who's running for Congress from Oregon.
Among other things, Robinson believes that we should sprinkle nuclear waste over the ocean and "over America" because he believes that small doses of radiation are good for us. Naturally, Maddow was attempting to get clarification on this and other weirdo things Robinson has written about, but he would have none of it and simply shouted and filibustered his way through the segment.
Grab your popping corn and prepare for "cuckoo clock" sounds...
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Wingnuts on parade: kill minimum wage, "small" gov't should patrol bedrooms
Remember folks, these are the people that the polls say will be in charge in 3 months:
Meanwhile Alaskan crackpot Joe Miller comes out against the minimum wage. Really.
This is, of course, the same Miller who also believes that federal unemployment benefits, Medicare, and Social Security should all be eliminated.
This is your new government America. You're turning in to a laughingstock and you're becoming too stupidly ignorant to notice it. Or care.
CescaHow does DeMint plan to enforce this? Government raids on bedrooms? This is small government?
(Senator Jim) DeMint said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn't be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who's sleeping with her boyfriend — she shouldn't be in the classroom.
Meanwhile Alaskan crackpot Joe Miller comes out against the minimum wage. Really.
Washington MonthlyHow the hell can someone in this day and age argue that there should not be a minimum wage? As Cesca notes, this is like coming out against child labor laws.
We asked him, for example, if there should be a federally mandated minimum wage, something that has existed since Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938.
"That is clearly up to the states," Miller said. "The state of Alaska has a minimum wage which is higher than the federal level because our state leaders have made that determination. The minimum level again should be the state's decision."
So there should not be a federal minimum wage?
"There should not be," Miller answered.
This is, of course, the same Miller who also believes that federal unemployment benefits, Medicare, and Social Security should all be eliminated.
This is your new government America. You're turning in to a laughingstock and you're becoming too stupidly ignorant to notice it. Or care.
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