
Health care: Jay Rockefeller stands up, Dianne Feinstein cowards out, Colbert infomercials for GOP, new Stranahan ad

From Senator Rockefeller:
"We have a moral choice. This is a classic case of the good guys versus the bad guys. I know it is not political for me to say that."

"We can't count on insurance companies. They are just maximizing their profits. They are sticking it to consumers."

"I am all for letting insurance companies compete. But I want them to compete in a system that offers real health-care insurance. I call it a public plan"
Government-backed programs are big enough to bring medical costs down, Rockefeller believes.

"Back in 1993, all our Veterans Administration hospitals got together and agreed to buy prescription drugs as a group. The next week, the costs of those drugs went down by 50 percent.

"Today, the insurance industry runs this whole deal, spending $1.4 million every day to fight health-insurance reform. The government has a lot of power to lower prices,"

"But do you want to be non-partisan and get nothing? Or do you want to be partisan and end up with a good health- care plan? That is the choice."
Dianne Feinstein doesn't seem to care for the criticism she's getting about her lack of support for the public option:
“I do not think this is helpful. It doesn’t move me one whit,” she said. “They are spending a lot of money on something that is not productive.”

Stephen Colbert's infomercial for the GOP healthcare reform plan:

New Lee Stranahan ad. Catch all 10 here.

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