
McCain/Palin: hypocritical d'bags

As if you didn't already know. But this whole Letterman flap is ridiculous. John McCain shows his hypocrisy, again.
McCain today:
“I don’t understand why Letterman would say that about a young woman… They deserve some kind of protection from being the butt of late-night hosts.”
McCain in 1998:
“Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father.”
And let's look at Sarah's indignant responses to Dave and ask why she didn't go after her buddy Jay Leno for making a similar joke?
"The Tonight Show With Jay Leno," 9/2/08
Gov. Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it. --
Shannyn Moore from Huff Post contributes "Top 10 Reasons Sarah Palin's "Outrage" is Misplaced and A Little Late..."

Some of the better ones....
8) from the Tonight Show: "All the Republicans are heaping praise on Governor Palin. Fred Thompson said, as an actor, he could see them making a movie about Sarah Palin and her family. Didn't they already make that movie? I think it was called 'Knocked Up!'"--Jay Leno

4) Rush Limbaugh: "Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat. Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is a White House dog?" Limbaugh put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton. At the time, Chelsea Clinton was 13 years old.
The same people who back up Palin's high drama assertions against Letterman ignored the connections between Bill O'Reilly's irresponsible incitement and the murder of Dr. George Tiller. David Letterman, a late night entertainer, apologized. Fox News Bill O'Reilly has not. -- Shannyn Moore

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