
Palin clarifies

"I am not a quitter. I am a fighter" - Sarah Palin
"So I've decided to quit and to stop fighting," she didn't add, but for logic's sake probably should have.

Let's clear the air here. In all of the post-analysis, there's been a thread running that "millions of people agree with her", and a secondary notion that these people are "real Americans" (cue Mika here).

Number one: millions of people might agree with her, but that doesn't mean she, or they, are qualified to govern. It doesn't make the content of her thoughts more correct for having people agree with them. Read the subheading of this blog: The right to be heard does not equal the right to be taken seriously.

Number two: so because I don't live in Rednecktown or Methville, I'm not a real American? Because I think Sarah Palin is an undereducated hack, a naive buffoon, a bit unstable and quite dangerous in leadership roles I'm somehow not a real American? Because I think she's a doofus who can't speak articulately who is being propped up because she's hot makes me less a citizen of this nation?

Number three: if she's still the GOP's leading candidate after that massacre of the English language she calls a speech, then the Republicans truly are fucked.

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