
What's with the gun-toting?

There's something wrong with this country when:
1) People are allowed to tote assault rifles in public
1a) ...while the President is around
1ai) ...without getting shot by the Secret Service
1b) ...if it's not 1858 and this isn't the New Mexico territory
1c) ... and those gun-toters are not universally derided as small-penis-compensating pussies.
(Arizona Republic)
A man, who decided not to give his name, was walking around the pro-health care reform rally at 3rd and Washington streets, with a pistol on his hip, and an AR-15 (a semi-automatic assault rifle) on a strap over his shoulder.

"Because I can do it," he said when asked why he was armed. "In Arizona, I still have some freedoms."
Tough enough to carry a gun. Too much of a pussy to give his name.

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