
Wingnuts complain about lack of socialist government trains

The wingnuts and teabaggers want government OUT of every aspect of their lives. Except when they need it. Like taking socialist trains to a gathering to protest socialist government involvement in their lives.

Cesca makes a great observation: when a public option passes, it's likely that self-identifying conservatives will actually be a lerger percentage of those who sign up for it.

Douchebaggery at it's finest.
The sheer audacity of their moronic self-contradiction is hilarious. Wingnut tea baggers are griping about why more of them couldn't ride the DC Metrorail -- a government-run and therefore "socialist" mass transit system.

And the Republican congressman who's making the biggest stink about it actually voted against $150 million in funding to improve the Metro. Seriously.

One of the many reasons why I can't wait for the public option is because I'm dying to see how many Republicans sign up. My hunch is that out of everyone using the public option, 45-50 percent will be self-described conservatives and/or registered Republicans.

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