
Beck and Dobbs slam volunteering and vegtables, respectively

Celebrities are coming together to make it cool to volunteer. Disney gives you a free day at the park. This is all fine, but doesn't it seem a little bit convenient that all of this comes out now at the same time the Obama administration is calling for it? Obama controls the message through the media he holds in his pocket. Or in his little hand. And soon if you disobey, he'll just go [Beck slaps his hand]. Now the message will be embedded in television shows. Isn't this great? Aren't you proud of what we're doing? Oh, this certainly is change.

Well, this is fantastic. It's almost like we're living in Mao's China right now.

Glenn Beck

And after watching a segment where the Baltimore city schools have instituted meatless Monday's to save on food costs and offer healthy alternatives, Dobbs described this as "a real political storm in the making."
Embedded video from CNN Video

My response.............. really? This is what you've got?

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