
Mitch McConnell off the rails on the crazy train

Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was on Dennis Miller's radio show the other day talking about health care. Apparently in anticipation of Halloween, he decided to go scaremongering:
MCCONNELL: Well, it doesn’t make any difference frankly whether you opt-in or you opt-out, it’s still a government plan. You know, Medicaid, the program for the poor now, states can opt-out of that, but none of them have. I think if you have any kind of government insurance program, you’re going to be stuck with it and it will lead us in the direction of the European style, you know, sort of British-style, single payer, government run system. And those systems are known for delays, denial of care and, you know, if your particular malady doesn’t fit the government regulation, you don’t get the medication.

MILLER: Right.

MCCONNELL: And it may cost you your life. I mean, we don’t want to go down that path
He regularly fear-mongers about the Canadian system, prompting one Ottawa newspaper to fact check him.

The question I'd like to ask is: "If government-run health care is so bad, why do you continue to go to Bethesda Medical Center for your health care?"

The answer I'd like, but don't expect, is: "Because I'm a hypocritical, lying douchebag"

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