
Newt Gingrich wants to go to war with Iran and North Korea

Newt Gingrich - contender for the Republican nomination for President in 2012, cozy buddy with Sarah Palin and sure to be high in her cabinet if she were to win the Presidency - wants to start 2 more wars based on the failed ideology of Geroge W. Bush's "Axis of Evil" comments.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich twice called on the United States to attack North Korea and Iran Thursday because the United States has only attacked "one out of three" of so-called "Axis of Evil" members by invading Iraq.

How do I even begin to list the reasons that this is boneheadedly stupid? We can't afford the two wars we're already in. We're broke. We'll be paying off Iraq and Afghanistan for decades to come and he wants to start two more? Our military is stressed to the breaking point, military suicides are at all-time highs, soldiers on their 3rd and4th tours through combat zones.

This is supposed to be a reasonable GOP strategy to retake the White House? Dear sweet Zeus.

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