
Republican election strategy = The Amazing Race

The GOP has gone full on nuts, nominating some real doozys (doozies? - whatever). In New York, you've got Chuck Paladino who sends out emails like this, "all in good fun".

In Delaware, they nominated anti-masturbation, pro-lying/crazy quotes, no intelligence Christine O'Donnell over Mike Castle. Castle, by the way, was up 10 points in head-to-head polling versus Chris Coons. O'Donnell is down 16, with Karl Rove - KARL FREAKING ROVE - calling her "nutty" and admitting she's unelectable.

The GOP/Tea Party feud has begun.

So where does The Amazing Race fit in? Well, the GOP electoral "strategy" (used loosely) of nominating fringe, far-right whackjobs might just cost them the gains they'd been hoping for. In other words, it will have same effect as the watermelons fired from this slingshot. Start at :20 for the good stuff. Show that knight who's boss.

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