
Health care: The Canadian fallacy

One of the fallacies hurting the health care debate is the tactic of picking out one example and using it as a brush to color the entire argument.

Example: 240 people died in an airplane two weeks ago. So we should all avoid airplanes because of that bad incident. Never mind that hundreds of thousands have arrived safely in the weeks since that tragedy.

Here's another: find someone who was dissatisfied with their experience in the Canadian system and use that as an indictment of the entire system.

Check out this Harris Interactive poll and note that Canadians are more happy with their system than Americans are with ours.

We've been dealing with fear-mongering for years about socialized medicine, and wait lists and it's kept us from exploring it as a viable alternative to our own failed system. NEWSFLASH AMERICANS: we have socialized medicine already. Your parents are probably on it. It's called Medicare and it was passed when LBJ was President 40+ years ago.

We've got to stop with the knee-jerk reactions about how "bad" Canada is based upon fear-mongering by the entrenched interests that want the current system to continue.

Check out this NYT/WSJ poll, SEVENTY-TWO PERCENT!:

(Bob Cesca)
So why aren't politicians on both sides embracing the public option rather than trying to kill it?

Oh yeah, I forgot.

They've been bribed and bought-off by the health insurance lobby. There's seriously no other conclusion.
How to cut health care costs

The Republican health care horrorshow

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