

(Bob Cesca)

Have you noticed the new KSM photo?

Until now, every time Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was discussed on television, we'd get this picture:

The Drunken Ron Jeremy photo in which he's clearly borrowed a t-shirt formerly worn by an elephant.

But now that we're talking about bringing KSM to New York for trial and the Republicans are in full pissy pants frightened crybaby mode, they're using this photo:

Wild scary eyes in full evildoer regalia. HEEELP! This crazy bastard will be ordering egg creams and blowing up subways any second now! Just look at his scary grinning face! AAAAAH!
Boy, that seems familiar. Where could I have seen.... oh, yeah.....

By the way, when you have three guys normally referred to as far-right whackjobs telling you to knock off the fear-mongering, you might want to listen. It's like Paris Hilton telling you that you're acting like a skanky ho.
Former Republican Congressman and Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr, David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, have teamed up to urge the Gitmo detainees be taken to the U.S.

"The scaremongering about these issues should stop," Barr, Keene and Norquist wrote.

"Civilian federal courts are the proper forum for terrorism cases," they wrote. "Civilian prisons are the safe, cost effective and appropriate venue to hold persons in federal courts."

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