
When they say Ole Miss, they mean, 'ole' like 1830-style

Ole Miss Chancellor Dan Jones has banned the Rebels' marching band from playing the fan favorite "From Dixie With Love" during football games after a group of students disregarded an edict that they stop chanting, "The South will rise again." Now his support of the student-led initiative to end the chant is drawing attention from some groups he'd rather not see on campus.

The Oxford Eagle reported Wednesday that the Mississippi White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan plan to march in full robes and hoods on the campus sometime in the coming weeks. Jones said the attention of the Klan and the Council of Conservative Citizens, which sent a letter to Oxford-area media supporting the chant, only cemented his decision.

"Sadly, we have also heard from a few outside our university who support the chant as an expression of values associated with the segregationist movement discredited so many years ago," Jones told the Eagle. "We cannot even appear to support those outside our community who advocate a revival of segregation. We cannot fail to respond."

And one of the school's "student leaders" was caught on a cell phone camera dropping the nuclear bomb of racial insults. We won't link to it here, but it's out there.

All the Rebel flags and Dixie stuff going on at Ole Miss must make recruiting a challenge. This can't help the cause.
Notice how it takes Mr. Frat-boy Student Leader only 9 seconds to drop the bomb.

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