
A very good week for Jon Stewart

It's been a fruitful week for Jon Stewart. First, he landed an interview with Lou Dobbs, who recently quit/didn't quit but definitely wasn't fired either from CNN.

Jon was not gentle.
Over a long interview, Stewart and Dobbs discussed the newsman's decision to quit on the air... or not quit on the air... or come to some sort of mutual understanding tied up in contracts that dissolved the relationship between CNN and the controversial anchor. Dobbs basically offered that CNN "wanted to move in another direction," to which Stewart replied, "I see the direction they're going in, I believe it's called down."

Then, praising Dobbs for having "abhorrent and wrong" views that are nevertheless "consistent," Stewart pressed Dobbs on the issues he invoked in his "I'm quitting, in some contractual fashion" speech: "The issue seems to be -- and you allude to it in your resignation speech -- that the winds of change are blowing this country -- people have, apparently, lost their minds. there seems to be a panic that we have lost the fabric of our society and I'm having trouble getting a handle on what has happened that is so drastic that people would think it's tyranny or fascism or Hitler-esque."

Dobbs noted that "what has happened" goes back to previous administrations, and that the Bush administration fostered a great "indifference" to the way policy impacted the lives of Americans. Stewart basically countered by saying that it seems to be the coming of the Obama administration that has set everyone's "hair on fire."

Dobbs allowed that he thought that "part of that fear is simply catching up with the events of some years ago." Stewart observed, "Why do they always catch up to the fears during the Democratic administrations? It feels like all the people that want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans."

You can get access to the unaired portions of the interview at Comedy Central.

Jon then attempted to explain to conservatives why he doesn't like Sarah Palin:
Jon Stewart gave what seemed like his final word on Sarah Palin last night, explaining to Fox News pundits that he doesn't dislike her because she's from Alaska or because she hunts, but because "when you peel back the pretty, shooty layers of the Palin onion, there's no onion. It's just a conservative boiler plate mad lib: 'Freedom is good and taxes are--ooh I need an adjective--how about, I don't know, silly?' And the worst part it's a mad lib delivered as though it were the hard-earned wisdom of a life well lived," he explained.
This is why the man is a genius and probably the only true investigative reporter in America today. And remember, he's a comedian.

Lastly, Jon brought out professional wrestler Mick Foley to offer protection to Will Phillips, the 10-year old boy who will not pledge allegiance until gays are allowed to marry. Will is being harassed by kids at school calling him a "gaywad".

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