

I haven't been able to write anything political for the last week. Frankly, it's been disheartening. Lie after lie after lie coming out of the mouths of McCain and Palin, and no one in the mainstream media is really challenging it.

Sarah Palin says she said "no thanks" to the Bridge to Nowhere. It's a lie. She supported it until that support became untenable. Then, when the bridge was killed, she kept the money, over $200 million dollars.

She's lied, and although the MSM notes it, they do nothing to challenge it. A McCain spokesperson spins another lie and the anchors shrug and say "OK".

We do not hold our politicians to any real standards of honesty. Of course, after the last 7 years, it's no surprise we've become conditioned to it. But it shouldn't be OK.

Then there's the tax lie. The one that says Obama will raise taxes on the middle class. The truth is that Obama will reduce taxes on 95% of working families and his tax cuts (5% of pretax income) are sharper than McCain's (3%). But McCain trots out the old trope and the MSM lets it sit there, as if it could somehow be plausible.

Never mind the horseshit about Lipstick On A Pig or the lie about Obama wanting to teach sex to kindergardeners.

When will it stop?

Apparently it will take the economy collapsing..... more....