
Statistics made to lie; Obama's doing fine


Listening to cable news and Republican talkers, you'd think President Obama was nose diving in the polls. Not true, according to PPP:

On our national survey in June Obama had an 82% approval rating with Democrats. Now it's 83%. He had a 46% approval rating with independents. Now it's 47%. No real change on either of those fronts. But with Republicans he's dropped from an 18% mark to just 10%. That shift is what put his approval rating below 50% -- he's gone from a small amount of crossover support to a very small amount of crossover supports.
Independents and Democrats still support the president. Republicans, trapping in their death spiral, are fading fast.

And really, is this guy going to beat anyone?

Perino: no terrorist attacks during Bush's term

(Huff Post)
Dana Perino (former spokesperson for G.W. Bush), recently nominated by President Obama to the Broadcasting Board of Governors, made an odd claim Tuesday night.

On Fox News, the former press secretary suggested President Obama was playing politics by refusing to describe the massacre at Fort Hood as a terrorist attack. "We should call it what it is," she said.

"We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term," she told Sean Hannity. "I hope they're not looking at this politically. I do think that we owe it to the American people to call it what it is."
No terrorist attacks? Really? Short memory. Or blatant revisionist liar.



David Shuster of MSNBC had an excellent re-Tweet last week about the outrage over Obama's bow to the emperor of Japan. The Tweet asked why the outrage over Obama, but none over W. kissing and holding hands with the Saudi king. The answer is highlighted in yellow....

Sarah Palin.... hater.

“There’s been a lack of acknowledgment by our president in understanding what it is that the American military provides in terms of, obviously, the safety, the security of our country,” Palin said during an interview with Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren. “I want him to acknowledge the sacrifices that these individual men and women — our sons, our daughters, our moms, our dads, our brothers and sisters — are providing this country to keep us safe.”

“They’re making sacrifices,” said Palin, who visited the Army base at Fort Bragg on Monday as part of her ongoing book tour. “They’re putting so much on hold right now so that the homeland can be safe and they can fight for democratic ideals around our world. I want to see more acknowledgment and more respect given to them.”

She never misses a chance to diss Obama, even when she is completely off base. How does anyone read this and not quietly say to themselves "....asshole"

Idiots on parade


Waiting all night for Sarah with a little hope.... and an 81 IQ:

Palin fans struggle mightily to explain why they like her:

Why do neo-cons hate the rule of law?

From the bitching about the KSH terror trial in New York City to moaning about standard legal proceedings allowed to any criminal, conservatives are showing themselves to hate the Constitution.

The fact of the matter is that no one hopes these people go free. But how do we as a country justify violating our own laws to rig a trial? Shouldn't we as a nation be showing the parts of the world that hate us the greatness of our court system? Shouldn't we show that even the most hated criminals get their day in an open court?

I fail to understand how one can suggest that we have closed banana republic-type hearings for anyone, much less those accused of murder.

To be sure, it's galling that they still get the presumption of innocent-until-proven-guilty. But that's the Constitution at work.

Bill O'Reilly teed off on Scott Fenstermaker, a lawyer for accused 9/11 terrorist Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali in a habeas corpus case challenging Ali's detention (video here).

O'Reilly: Don't you think people watching you, and millions are right now, counselor, and I don't mean this with any disrespect, think that you're a weasel?

Fenstermaker: They might. That's fine.

O'Reilly: Cause I do. And you seem like a nice guy, but I'm saying this guy sitting in front of me doesn't think these people were murdered on 9/11 when we saw what happened; if he won't say they were murdered or not, he's a weasel.

O'Reilly: You know people hate you. Do you care?

Fenstermaker: No, I'm honored that they hate me. The people that hate me hate the rule of law.
Bravo counselor.

I'd also like to remind Mr. O'Reilly that John Adams - future 2nd President of the United States - defended the soldiers accused in the Boston Massacre, calling it "one of the best Pieces of Service I ever rendered my Country". Even though much of the nation hated him for it, Adams realized that every man is due his day in court and deserves a fair trial. That's how we do it in America.

Aww yeahhh, gimme dat Christian Side-Hug

JC in da hizzzzz-ouse!

These hardcore Christian gangbangers (rolleyes) are promoting the newest in Christy anti-sex tactics: avoiding front hugs.

Front hugs give the chance of a brief but dangerous contact with the clothed pelvis of the opposite sex. The CSH stops that, allowing only some hip-on-hip action.

I wish I was kidding. Note the use of the siren in the song, presumably indicating the presence of danger when front-hugging.


Are you sure you want to self-identify as a Rogue?

From Merriam-Webster, via Bob Cesca, the definition of "rogue"
Main Entry: rogue
Pronunciation: \ˈrōg\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1561
1 : vagrant, tramp
2 : a dishonest or worthless person : scoundrel
3 : a mischievous person : scamp
4 : a horse inclined to shirk or misbehave
5 : an individual exhibiting a chance and usually inferior biological variation

- OR -

Let's run with the adjective:

Main Entry: rogue
Function: adjective
Date: 1872
1 : resembling or suggesting a rogue elephant especially in being isolated, aberrant, dangerous, or uncontrollable
2 : corrupt, dishonest (rogue cops)
3 : of or being a nation whose leaders defy international law or norms of international behavior
Sounds about right.

And SNL gives us a glimpse into a horrifying future:

Tweet of the Week: Rainn Wilson

This is AWFUL

Chinese chefs have figured out a way to gut a fish, deep fry it and keep it alive so it's still moving when served to customers.

Yep. They want to pick into it's belly and watch it move. I'll refrain from commentary because... well....

Video one shows it being prepared (and note the announcer's tone, it's like the tool is narrating a skateboarding montage) and video two shows a family enjoying watching the fish suffer.

Thanks (I think) to Dave Navarro for turning me on to this.