
Is there no sense of decency left?

The wingnutters are closing their summer with their most absurd complaint ever. Next Tuesday, President Obama is going to give a speech aimed at schoolchildren, welcoming them back to school and encouraging them to work hard, pursue excellence and accept personal responsibility.

Naturally, the wingnut-o-sphere has erupted that this is "indoctrination".

(Media Matters)
Numerous conservatives have claimed that President Obama's upcoming September 8 speech about "persisting and succeeding in school," along with classroom activities about the "importance of education," will "indoctrinate" and "brainwash" schoolchildren.
(slaps forehead repeatedly)

Aren't hard work and personal responsibility two of Glenn Beck's 12 Values?

I could go on and on (and I probably will), but this is so patently stupid, petty, idiotic and frankly, un-American that I'm ashamed that it's getting press time. What's even worse is that at least one school district in Berks County is refusing to carry it live.