
Stewart v. Scarborough

So many feuds, so little time.

Jon Stewart has been hammering Morning Joe for flogging Starbucks coffee. Joe Scarborough (or Doucheboro, as Stewart has referred to him) has been feeling the heat. Earlier in the week, he referred to Stewart as an "angry, angry guy" with a Napoleonic complex.

So Stewart has responded. (best line: "His show isn't brewed by Starbucks, it's brewed by Massengill!") This time, a stung and weepy Stewart, smeared with runny mascara, retreated into the bowels of his studio, donned a Napoleon costume, and mounted a horse to retreat in old-timey French emo-sadness. That's when John Oliver, playing tiny Duke of Wellington, taught Stewart to embrace his anger. "Get back in there, and you rage, man. You rage!"

Note to Doucheboro and Palin: don't screw with comics. They're smarter and funnier than you. You're not going to win.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Jon's Napoleonic Complex

Palin v. Letterman

After getting blasted by Sarah Palin for what she called "sexually perverted jokes" at her 14-year old daughter's expense, David Letterman took 8 minutes of his show to explain the remarks.

In typical sarcastic Dave fashion, he half-apologized and he skewered his own comic ability. Then he retold the jokes.

Vintage Dave.


Pearl Jam debuts new track and cover art for "Backspacer"

Pearl Jam debuts new track "Backspacer" and cover art for the new album on Conam O'Brien's show. Band notes: Mike is skinny with black hair, Jeff shaved his head and Stone is growing his hair back out.

Oh, and the track - predictably - rocks.

Here are some other bits from the new Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien

Right-wing extremists? Nahhhh.....

I'll start this off the same way I did FOUR DAYS AGO. "Remember when the right-wing went nuts(er) about the Homeland Security report detailing the efforts of right-wing extremists, aka domestic terrorists?"

Oh, the indignity! The right-wing went (ironically) nuts. NEVER! NOT US!

Meanwhile, we've seen the assassination of George Tiller.

We've seen an officer of the Southern Baptist Conference who's praying for Obama's death (and sees no problem with Tiller's killing).

We've seen John Zaubler threaten to kill Sonia Sotomayor and Barack Obama by "blowing (them) up".

We've seen Daniel James Murray become the subject of a nation-wide manhunt by telling a Utah bank manager he was "on a mission to kill" Obama.

Now we have James Von Brunn, long-time far-right fringe wingnut.

A frustrated artist and an angry man, the suspect in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting once tried to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve board, a "caper" thwarted when a guard captured him outside a board meeting carrying a bag stuffed with weapons.

Von Brunn, 88, a white supremacist and Holocaust denier, was sentenced in 1983 to more than four years in prison for once trying to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve board, a "caper" thwarted when a guard captured him outside a board meeting carrying a bag stuffed with weapons. He describes the 1981 assault with apparent pride on his Web site, the source of fulmination against Jews and races other than his own.

Top it off with Fox News' Sheperd Smith describing the rise in far-right hate mail. Remember, Shep works for Fox News. And Fox News - let it sink in, Fox News - is saying hate speech is getting out of hand.

Here's a reminder of the conservative media freak-out at the DHS report. More ignored warnings.

Jon Stewart takes on Fox News over Obama coverage; Scarborough says Stewart is "angry guy"

(Huff Post)
Last week Jon Stewart took on Fox News for their coverage of Obama's speech in Cairo calling their personalities "extremists" and saying, "What a torture it must be for such pretty people to see such ugly things."

Last night, Stewart continued to pound the cable network for biased insinuations, and showed a clip of Hannity editing Obama's words to unjustly make him sound like a 9/11 apologist. This practice, as our own Jason Linkins has pointed out, is not unique to Hannity, but endemic to Fox as a whole.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
"i" on News

Meanwhile, Joe Scarborough insists Jon Stewart is an "angry, angry guy" with a Napoleon complex. Cause he's short. Get it?

Colbert debates "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" with himself

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Formidable Opponent - Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Professional douchebag John Ziegler forces Contessa to cut his mic

Palin defender (and professional douchebag) John Ziegler answers questions glancingly and with subtle digs, and making sure to plug his website and movie. Brewer played her part by being miffed and appalled right up until the moment where she calls a halt to the discussion and asks for Ziegler's mike to be cut.


Magna Cum Dumbass


Good move, Starbucks. Associate your brand with a self-absorbed torture sadist.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Corporate SynerJoe

Right...it's just the Muslims who are violent...

Conservative pastor prays for Obama death
A former Southern Baptist Convention officer who on June 2 called the death of abortion provider George Tiller an answer to prayer said later in the day he is also praying "imprecatory prayer" against President Obama.

Wiley Drake, pastor of First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, Calif., and former running mate of American Independent Party presidential candidate Alan Keyes, said June 2 on Fox News Radio he didn't understand why people were upset with his comments quoted by Associated Baptist Press from a webcast of his daily radio talk show.


Historical Tweets

From the great historicaltweets.com

We present you with the Top 10 Most Popular Historical Tweets (so far):

  1. Alexander the Tweet
  2. Lincoln Twittering at the Ford
  3. Lincoln Asks Twitter Followers for Speechwriting Help
  4. A Young Adolph Hitler Twitters Away
  5. Thomas Edison Twitters Inspirational Moment
  6. The Gutenberg Tweet
  7. Martin Luther King Jr. Twittering
  8. More German Food: Speeches from JFK’s Twitter Feed
  9. Henry Ford’s Model T-witter
  10. A Real, Old-School Flame War Begins on Twitter

Operation Iraqi Stephen: Going Commando

It's “Operation Iraqi Stephen: Going Commando”. Colbert is in Iraq, filming a week's worth of shows from one of Saddam's former palaces. Leaked pictures show Colbert in a business suit made of Army camouflage and getting a haircut from General Ray Odierno.

(NY Times - registration required)