He relies on the teleprompter, critics cry from their prepared speech read off of a teleprompter.
He won't cut spending, they wail, as they refuse to participate in a panel to help cut the deficit.
And now, he's soft on terror, they moan, as they complain that he's killing too many terrorists.
What is so astonishing is that the public buys anything the GOP is selling.
via HuffPost
At a panel on national security policy at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, a prominent lawyer from the Bush administration's Department of Justice said he was concerned that the higher number of terrorist executions taking place under Obama was compromising U.S. intelligence operations.
"Why have executions increased?" asked Viet Dinh, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center and one of the authors of the USA Patriot Act. Citing a recent Washington Post article on the increased targeted killing of terrorists, Dinh complained that "the president and vice president expound this fact as a fact that they are actually successful in war."