
Newt Gingrich is a hypocrite

Newt "Honey can you move that chemo drip and sign this divorce" Gingrich is a hypocrite. The same guy who led the prosecution of Bill Clinton while conducting his own affair now speaks up on his hatred of facism.

Commenting on a rift between Bill O'Reilly and Hendrik Hertzberg of the New York Times, he said:

"And whether they are fascists on the right or fascists on the left, they're fascists, because they believe in imposing their views on you, outside the law, or they believe in using the law to force you to change who you are. And I'm opposed to fascism of any kind."

And yet, on September 4th, he endorsed just that kind of action by coming out in support of Prop 8, forcing gays to change who they are through the use of the law.

SO which is it, hypocrite? By Newt's own definition, using the law to force gays to go into hiding and change who they are is facism.

Total intellectual dishonesty. And the right wonders why they got drubbed on November 4th.

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