
Obama playing rope-a-dope with Rush

Michael Wolff has written an article claiming Obama is setting Rush Limbaugh up. Since Rush's "I hope he fails" claim of last week (saying that more jobs will help Democrats in elections **more later**) Obama has reminded the GOP that you can't govern by listening to Limbaugh.

Right now Rush is being played. The Obama dinner with conservative columnists, 
shortly before his inauguration, was as much about excluding Rush as coddling the columnists. Not 
only did the conservatives fawn, but Rush fumed. It got under his skin. Indeed, the rumor that he might in fact be there (likely coming from the Obama camp), and then his evident lack of an invitation, highlighted the slight. He’s tried to make it out to be a political point ever since, but mostly he sounds like a guy who’s hurt he didn’t get invited to the hot party.

Then, there was the president’s throw-away line suggesting that Republican lawmakers, in the midst of the greatest modern financial crisis, were glued to their radios listening to Rush rather than hard at work. It was deft suggestion, not so much about ideology but about seriousness. Rush isn’t.

He’s out on a limb, Rush. His current themes are about Obama’s radicalism, which, with every day of the new administration, seems a less and less sellable image.

** How in the hell can this fat windbag sell out his country? He is outright saying that he hopes we go in the tank for 4 more years so the Republicans can get back into power.

Two points: One, it's the GOP (and Bush, for whom Limbaugh famously claimed to be "carrying water") that got us into this. And two, 4 more years of this and there IS NO AMERICA to govern. We're gone. Obama would be the last POTUS. It's hubris of the highest order thinking The United States Of America cannot fail.

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