
Bailout, Lies and Videotape

On CBS' The Early Show S.C. Gov Mark Sanford said Thursday the sheer size of the stimulus package will end up hindering any economic recovery. "I think the problem that was created with too much debt will never be solved by adding yet more debt," he said. "I think there are a number of wrinkles that have caused a number of us to say 'Wait a minute, let's take a long look at whether or not this really makes sense for our state.'"

Still, Sanford said he would accept the funds.

"Being against it doesn't preclude taking the money."

Sanford ignores several things.  Number one, he doesn't state who it was that actually created this problem "with too much debt" (Bush).  Two, he never offers a solution.  It's easy to be against something.  My question to the governor is 'what are you for'?

Additionally, Republican Governors such as Sanford, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Sarah Palin of Alaska and Rick Perry of Texas - all of whom are lining up to run against Obama in '12 - are contemplating refusing the money.

Nice job. Put your political interests ahead of your constituents.  Isn't that impeachable?

However it's all a sham. U.S. Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), the No. 3 House Democrat, put language in the bill that allows state legislatures to overrule their governors and take the bailout money.  It was designed to prevent one shortsighted governor from tanking their entire state to maintain a dogma.

Clyburn's language allows these governors to have their cake and eat it too. Refuse the money, and when your legislature overrules you and takes it, you can accept the benefits of it.

This is all political hackery.

Howard Dean, former DNC chair, has dared these governors to decline the money and then explain to voters why their taxes went up because of a political stunt.

Then there's just plain ol' crazy.  "The sky is falling" crazy.  Batshit crazy.  Michelle Bachmann crazy.

Michelle Bachmann, she of the Hardball comments insisting the government should investigate the political leanings of it's own members, is back.

Now, she's issuing the crazy. Obama is stealing money from Republican districts and passing it out to Democratic ones. He's giving ACORN, an organization working against inner-city poverty $5 billion (untrue).

Unfortunately, she runs into Keithiness.

However, there is uber-blogger Bob Cesca.  I referenced his HuffPost column in here yesterday.  A rightwingnut named Denise decided to start an e-mail conversation with Mr. Cesca.  She was, unfortunately, fighting unarmed.


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