
Barney Frank bitchslaps Code Pink activists

Activists from Code Pink were dealt two severe smackdowns Tuesday from Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, amidst testimony from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

"Will you act your age and stop playing with that sign?" Frank asked the activists, on hand to wave signs requesting bailouts. "We really need people to grow up."

Moments later, Frank interrupted Bernanke to issue a second admonishment, threatening to expel the next activist to wave a sign.

"I understand that there are some people for whom rational discussion is not an appropriate means of expressing themselves. You are entitled to do that in general, but not in a way that interrupts those of us who are trying to have rational discussions," he said. "The next one who holds a sign will be ejected."

He then offered some advice on political tactics to the group. "I do not know how you think you could advance any cause to which you might be attached by this kind of silliness," he said.

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