
Specter redux

I've had some time to digest the Arlen Specter defection to the Democratic Party, and I'm of 2 minds.

On one hand, one should always be happy when someone else comes to their senses after a quarter century in the wilderness.

On the other hand, it is necessary to be aware that this switch will not mean that much. Specter has often been independent and there is no reason to believe that will change. Specter holds views that are contrary to the "basic" views of most Democrats: he's a hawk who unapologetically supported Iraq, his behavior towards Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas confirmation was unconscionable, to name just two.

Bear in mind as well that Specter did this out of political expediency, not ideological transformation.  This is not a "Saul getting knocked from his horse" moment. Specter wants to get re-elected and apparently he'll prostitute himself to whomever or whatever will help him keep what he ultimately is interested in: power.

We'll see how the voters of Pennsylvania react to what is tantamount to treason. Even those who loathe what the purified GOP has become will have a bad taste in their mouth over this. Unless Arlen comes clean with a repudiation of some of his former beliefs, I'll be forced to hold my nose as I reluctantly cast my vote for him.  Because, let's face it, there is no other choice.  Pat Toomey is crazy. Dangerously crazy.

Hopefully, this moment will serve as a shock to the wingnut arm of the Republican party. It's a direct statement: you're bleeding moderates. You're becoming a regional party. The Whigs. The Federalists just before they disappeared forever after the election of John Quincy Adams.  you have no (none, zilch, zero, bupkus) congressmen left in New England.  Look at this map of the 110th Senate.... now look at the 2008 electroal map.  The implication is, not an implication.  It's obvious.  The GOP is cutting off it's nose to spite it's face.

So while I am happy that this event may make it easier for President Obama to pursue his agenda, it feels kind of like the joy of being 19 and getting laid - but knowing it's with the skankiest chick in town.

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