
Colbert goes after Hannity's ridiculous Liberty Tree

Earlier this week, Sean Hannity hit new highs of ham-handedness when he proposed (cue swelling music):

At the end of that first protest in 1765 the Sons of Liberty hung two tax collectors in effigy from the branches of elm and from that day forward it became known as the Liberty Tree...Therefore, in the spirit of our founding fathers, with our liberties once again threatened, we introduce our own Liberty Tree. Now as you can see, our tree is built upon the roots of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and freedom. They support the trunk of the tree which is made of we the people. And the trunk supports the branches and the fruits of our liberty represented by the apples. It is those apples, the fruits of our liberty, that this administration is now picking clean.
Perfect fodder for Colbert and his Freedom Fungus:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Sean Hannity's Liberty Tree

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