
Nico Pitney gets Dana Milbank to call him a dick

....granted it was after the segment.

According to Nico
"The only thing that surprised me was when Dana turned to me after our initial sparring and called me a “dick” in a whispered tone (the specific phrase was, I believe, “You’re such a dick”)."
Here's the set-up. Nico Pitney is a blogger with Huffington Post who used to work for ThinkProgress. He had been working the Iran sotry endlessly for the past 2 weeks, and remember, the Iran story is being reported almost exclusively by the internet, since foreign press have been banned.

The day before Obama's presser last week, Pitney was told that he might get to ask a question of the President about Iran.

Dana Milbank, a dick with ears if ever there was one, and the traditional media are up in arms because it violated protocol. Traditonally, the AP gets the first question, then the major networks. However, Obama has been shaking things up and since the old line media can't very well get pissy with the President, well... they'll go after the new media for being in collusion. Watch the clip.

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