
Right-wing extremists? Nahhhh.....

I'll start this off the same way I did FOUR DAYS AGO. "Remember when the right-wing went nuts(er) about the Homeland Security report detailing the efforts of right-wing extremists, aka domestic terrorists?"

Oh, the indignity! The right-wing went (ironically) nuts. NEVER! NOT US!

Meanwhile, we've seen the assassination of George Tiller.

We've seen an officer of the Southern Baptist Conference who's praying for Obama's death (and sees no problem with Tiller's killing).

We've seen John Zaubler threaten to kill Sonia Sotomayor and Barack Obama by "blowing (them) up".

We've seen Daniel James Murray become the subject of a nation-wide manhunt by telling a Utah bank manager he was "on a mission to kill" Obama.

Now we have James Von Brunn, long-time far-right fringe wingnut.

A frustrated artist and an angry man, the suspect in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting once tried to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve board, a "caper" thwarted when a guard captured him outside a board meeting carrying a bag stuffed with weapons.

Von Brunn, 88, a white supremacist and Holocaust denier, was sentenced in 1983 to more than four years in prison for once trying to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve board, a "caper" thwarted when a guard captured him outside a board meeting carrying a bag stuffed with weapons. He describes the 1981 assault with apparent pride on his Web site, the source of fulmination against Jews and races other than his own.

Top it off with Fox News' Sheperd Smith describing the rise in far-right hate mail. Remember, Shep works for Fox News. And Fox News - let it sink in, Fox News - is saying hate speech is getting out of hand.

Here's a reminder of the conservative media freak-out at the DHS report. More ignored warnings.

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