
Faux News flaunts it's bias, lies, and is called out

Fox News ran a full page newspaper ad in the Washington Post Friday calling out the other networks for not covering the 9/12 protest story last weekend.

Problem is, the accusation is not true.
(Jason Linkins)
The facts are these: It took me all of 30 seconds to open up TVEyes and search CNN and MSNBC for Tea Party coverage on Saturday, September 12. Here are the facts. By my rough count, on September 12, CNN ran no less than 14 reports on the Tea Party rally, beginning at approximately 7:00 a.m. During the same time period, MSNBC offered viewers four reports on the Tea Parties.

Again, all of this takes mere seconds to look up. So it's hard to understand why Fox has an ad wondering "How did, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN miss this story?" Unless by "miss," they meant to say: "not spend several hours fellating."

CNN's Rick Sanchez calls out Fox News on air:

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