
Joe Lieberman: Douchetard Deluxe

Joe Lieberman is a faithless bastard. If you want to be a Republican, then just do it.

Joe got re-elected to his Senate seat as an Independent after he was bounced in the last primary. He wanted to caucus with the Democrats and retain his seat as the chair of the Homeland Security oversight committee. Harry Reid, being Harry Reid, let him. After all, Joe could provide that 60th vote to invoke cloture and break a Republican filibuster on any range of items.

Like, say..... healthcare.

But Joe being Joe.... you know, a douchetard... he came out and said that he would not stop a Republican filibuster of any health care bill that contaioned the public option as it exists now.

This is funny for several reasons. It's funny (ha-ha) because it doesn't really exist in any form now. Harry reid said that a public option that gave the states the ability to opt-out would be in the final Senate bill. But that bill still has to undergo rounds of revision. So Joe is threatening just because he likes to hear Joe speak. (I imagine that Joe refers to himself in the third person, like Rickey Henderson).

Supporting this theory is Joe on the campaign trail in 2006 supporting universal health insurance. But Joe has been known to be a dicktard as well.

Here's a piece from Huffington Post detailing Joe's 15 worst betrayals, including: trying to kill Clinton's universal health insurance; voting to confirm walking-disaster Alberto Gonzalez as Attorney General; defending McCain's Social Security privatization plan in 2008; SUPPORTING McCain in 2008; forming his independent "Connecticut for Lieberman" party (shouldn't that be the other way around.... nevermind); waffling when asked if Obama was a Muslim. you get the pit-chure.

Meanwhile, here are Lieberman's claims about what a health care plan will do:
* Be costly to taxpayers
* Drive up premiums
* Involve cost-shifting to private plans
* Create an entitlement
* Increase the national debt
* Put more of a tax burden on taxpayers
My question is: why is the very serious mainstream media not calling him out on his shit? If it was a Democrat saying these things about a GOP plan, they'd do it.

Presidential mouthpiece Robert Gibbs DID fire a warning shot at Lieberman (and no, he didn't make any Heath Ledger-as-Joker remarks):
I think Democrats and Republicans alike will be held accountable by their constituents who want to see health care reform enacted this year. [...] And we know that if that doesn't happen, people say they'll be very disappointed by that, and we think people will make progress to ensure that this gets done.

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