
Limbaugh gets Shat on

I asked the other day why it is that only comedians seem to be asking the probing questions. It turns out I was wrong. We also have method overactors from the final frontier doing the job of the 4th estate.
Huff Post

On an upcoming episode of William Shatner's "Raw Nerve" Shatner grills guest Rush Limbaugh on health care. The conversation is heated, and the setting -- the two men sit on an S shaped love-seat in front of a lit fireplace -- is downright surreal.

"Here's my premise and you agree with it or not," Shatner posited. "If you have money, you are going to get health care. If you don't have money, it's more difficult."

Rush skirted the issue and chose to talk about real estate instead. "If you have money you're gonna get a house on the beach. If you don't have money you're gonna live in a bungalow somewhere."

"Right," Shatner responded, "but we're talking about health care."

"What's the difference?"

Shatner pressed on. "The difference is we're talking about health care, not a house or a bungalow."

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