
Observations from a football weekend

So with the view house looking like this...

It seemed like a good day to watch football. However, as an Eagles fan, ESPN greeted me with the following graphic. On one hand, that's an awesome achievement. On the other hand, the only team on that list without a Super Bowl win in that run is... you guessed it.

Watching the J - E - T - S loseloselose, I snapped this picture of Mark Sanchez. Apparently he has control of the Department of Homeland Security terror watch list on his wristband. "Cover 2, threat level 4. I'll just toss a pick here."

Here's the disturbing part of the day. Chevy is running a series of commercials with Howie Long, one of him is a spot featuring him and the obligatory precocious little girl with curls.

That's not the disturbing part. The disturbing part is in this still. Her pointing, not at the Chevy, but at Howie's junk. Like, right at it.

You be the judge.

"Mr. Long, why do have the keys down your pants?" If you have a better caption, post it here.

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