
How Paul Krugman woke up to politics

(via Cesca) If you're a Krugman follower, this New Yorker piece is a must-read.

Why do I like Paul Krugman? Because he calls "bullshit" to bullshit. Here he is cutting off Sam Donaldson's holding forth about Desiree Rogers.
DONALDSON: People who work for the president understand or should understand their place, which is to be spear-carriers. There are two stars in anyone’s White House, the president and the president’s spouse. After that, this passion for anonymity that once was a hallmark of people who worked for a president, has been lost. She wanted to be a star herself…


KRUGMAN: Can I say that 20 million Americans unemployed, the fact that we’re worrying about the status of the White House social secretary…

VARGAS: It’s our light way to end, Paul.

DONALDSON: Paul, welcome to Washington.

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