
It's a Trap: Stewart mocks Boehner over health care debate


With President Obama inviting Republicans to a televised summit on health care, many GOP leaders have been reluctant to attend, thinking it's an elaborate trap. This logic didn't sit well with Jon Stewart... or Admiral Ackbar.

Stewart jokingly agreed with the Republican sentiment, explaining that having a televised, bipartisan conversation on health care is so reasonable that it's actually an ingenious trap.

Minority Leader John Boehner expressed concern, worried about having to "walk into some setup... who knows what." To this Stewart responded: "It's a public dialogue about important legislation. Not Little Big Horn."

Stewart then called Boehner's bluff:
"The only way this health care meeting is a trap is if Boehner's got nothing. It's like a paper bag is only a trap if you can't punch your way out of it."

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