
Scott Brown... savior to turdpie in 2 weeks.

Less than a month ago, the wingnuts were ready to run Scott Brown for President. Now that he's sided with the American worker on a jobs bill, he's.... well.... look at his Facebook page.

According to Gawker:
These folks, Scott Brown's "Fans," thought Brown was literally the naked lovechild of Reagan and George Washington, but, in fact, he is a Senator from Massachusetts. And he would like to remain a Senator from Massachuetts, which means sometimes he will have to vote for things that the people in his state (not the people from Facebook) support.

So Brown patiently explained, on the Facebook, that he's voting for the bill because blah blah tax cuts bipartisanship etc. etc. This message has 3,546 comments of pure rage. (And 1,569 likes!)

Here's a good one:

"I wish your truck had broken down and you couldn't make it to Washington in time to vote for this bill! You were OUR "hope and change" and you let US down BIG TIME!!! Beck/Palin 2012!!!"

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