
Conservative media activist corners Franken, deliberately misstates bill

Conservative activist Jason Mattera attempted to make a name for himself by cornering Senator Al Franken and asking him about a provision in HCR that "sets up a $7 billion slush fund for jungle gyms". It's obvious that Mattera was pulling a stunt when he referred to Franken as "Senator Smalley". To his credit, Franken didn't take the bait. Despite the best (futile) efforts of his staff, Franken didn't back down either.
Media Matters factchecked and found

The provision Mattera himself reads refers to giving grants to "provide physical activity opportunities" in order to reduce chronic disease. After falsely claiming that the bill contains a provision "giving $7 billion to fund jungle gyms," Mattera reads the provision he's referring to, which contains no mentions of "jungle gyms." In the "Creating Healthier Communities" portion of the Senate version of the bill, under the section "Community Transformation Grants," entities receiving grants may use them toward activities such as "creating healthier school environments, including increasing healthy food options, physical activity opportunities, promotion of healthy lifestyle, emotional wellness, and prevention curricula, and activities to prevent chronic diseases."

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