
McConnell's strategy of blocking progress, accomplishing nothing and trashing America for votes

There is an extraordinary piece in the Times where Republicans readily admit their strategy is nothing more than to obstruct, say no, deny Obama any accomplishments and then blast him during the elections as a do-nothing President.

Of course, the fact that the business of the American people is not getting done, people are dying for lack of health care, the economy is still teetering, jobs are still being lost, financial shenanigans are still going on and people are losing their homes isn't important. Winning elections is, no matter how many Americans have to be hurt in their electoral games.

This is douchebaggery at it's highest level. And there is still no sense of shame.
New York Times

Before the health care fight, before the economic stimulus package, before President Obama even took office, Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader, had a strategy for his party: use his extensive knowledge of Senate procedure to slow things down, take advantage of the difficulties Democrats would have in governing and deny Democrats any Republican support on big legislation.

(He) has come to embody a kind of oppositional politics that critics say has left voters cynical about Washington, the Senate all but dysfunctional and the Republican Party without a positive agenda or message.

More fundamentally, Mr. McConnell’s strategy has left Republicans at risk of being tagged as pure obstructionists and a party without a positive agenda.

“Their goal,” said Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the Democratic whip, “is to slow down activity to stop legislation from passing in the belief that this will embolden conservatives in the next election and will deny the president a record of accomplishment.”

As the year went on, Mr. McConnell spent hours listening to the worries and ideas of Republicans, urging them not to be seduced by the attention-grabbing possibilities of cutting a bipartisan deal

“Throwing grenades is easier than catching them,” acknowledged Senator John Thune of South Dakota, a fellow member of the Republican leadership.

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