
Wingnuts tout the awesome power of Palin's FULLY OPERATIONAL battle station

The racists-posing-as-Patriots over at Confederate Yankee have gone farther over the deep end. Now they're jumping on board with David Vitter ("I'll take a TV personality over a community organizer every day") and Sarah Palin in endorsing Palin's "nuclear experience" as the governor of Alaska over Obama's experience in crafting legislation limiting loose nukes.
He simply doesn't know when to shut up.

Palin's view of nuclear weapons was shaped by her stint as the commander in chief of the Alaskan National Guard, our first line of defense against Soviet nuclear weapons. Obama has held his same views since he was a stoner college student and has showed no signs of maturing.

Which of the two would you trust?

Update: I stand corrected. Palin does not have any experience with the AANG. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion AANG, Fort Greely is (literally) the first line of defense against Soviet nukes with 25-30 anti-ICBMs, but they do not report to the governor.

Obama? Still utterly untrustworthy, and getting more so every day.
So first Bob Owens (CY) says that Palin has more nuclear experience because of the Air Alaska National Guard. That in itself is hilarious.

THEN, he corrects himself because he was wrong - Palin was not in command of the AANG. But Obama is still untrustworthy. Prolly cause he's black.

So first, the President has less experience than the governor of Alaska and then, when it turns out the governor of Alaska has no experience, Obama is still less experienced anyway.

If these nuts even get 20% of the vote, we're in trouble as a nation. Willfully dense ignorance of basic facts is worse than stupidity.

I'd like to point these guys to:
The Lugar-Obama Proliferation and Threat Reduction Initiative, signed into Law on Thursday, January 11, 2007 by President Bush.

Authored by U.S. Sens. Dick Lugar (R-IN) and Barack Obama (D-IL), the Lugar-Obama initiative expands U.S. cooperation to destroy conventional weapons. It also expands the State Department’s ability to detect and interdict weapons and materials of mass destruction.
Loose nukes, boys. As a senator, Obama worked with the Republicans to secure loose nuclear material that can fall into terrorsit hands.

'Course them confederate boys don't need none'a that there thinkin' stuff.

$100 says they say nookyuhluhr too. Just like Sarah from Wasilla.

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