
O'Reilly defends Michelle Obama from Glenn Beck

With Glenn Beck complaining that Michelle Obama's outfit on the day she toured the oil spill was "an outrage", Bill O'Reilly stepped to her defense. O'Reilly chided Beck that he's worried about a dress and Laura Ingraham was claiming that the White House vegetable garden was a Communist plot.

However, the REALLY interesting thing was Beck's reaction. Laughing almost uncontrollably, he noted "Look at how many things in that garden are red." I can't help but think - as I have for a while - that Beck knows he's a button-pushing charlatan who just throws everything he can against the wall to see what sticks. He seems to be laughing when pushed about his own schtick.

Haven't you ever noticed that Beck almost NEVER has someone in studio with him, and never someone who isn't well-vetted to ensure that the narrative will never be questioned or broken?

Glenn Beck is a dangerous man.

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