
Great point about the media ripping Colbert, and their own lack of any real reporting


On Hardball, Chuck Todd and his panel are currently ripping Stephen Colbert apart for appearing in character in front of Congress today.

First of all, Elmo appeared before Congress in 2002. ELMO.

Secondly, these are the screeds of politicos who are pissed off that a ‘comedian’ (I think ‘satirist’ is a much more precise term, but whatever) has done what they can’t/won’t/don’t - he said what he believed and did it in a way that was precise, authoritative, and interesting.

This is haterade, pure and simple. Colbert was invited to testify by a congresswoman on a subject about which he is (while not well informed) better informed than most members of Congress.

No one likes being made a fool of, and today, Colbert made everyone on Capitol Hill and in mainstream newsrooms look like dicks. I hoped they might take a bit of humility from the fact that they have been out-journalismed* by Stewart and Colbert for years now. I hoped that they might try to up their game to keep from being embarrassed every time they fail to do their job.

Instead, they’re bitching and moaning** that Colbert did what they won’t and was entertaining in the process.

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