
My Pastor Says Your ____ Sux

Fill in the blank: Country/Hairpiece/Pantsuit/Cumface/Other

Could we argue about something less meaningless? Is there
anything less meaningless?

Now, if this was Utopia circa 'the Golden Age of Utopia', then sure. This is valid.

Wait, isn't this Utopia? I was watching Fox News absorbing eternal truth engaging in neuropathy when Steve Doocy's soothing Peter-Brady-going-through-puberty-while-in-a-singing-contest-while trying-to-pay-for-that-pewter-plate voice sure seemed to indicate it was. I could tell by his medicated grin and non-synchronized eyes.

Anyway, we've got 4,000 souls gone in Iraq, the economy tanking, the government saving Bear Stearns but still ignoring New Orleans years later, the Constitution having the constitution of a 60-year old crack whore and Thomas Jefferson spinning like a centrifuge, an administration that doesn't even bother to cover up the lies and the crimes because they know we don't give a shit and all we care about is a loudmouth preacher?

As if each one of us don't already know multiple religious whackjobs? This isn't like the discovery of a unicorn, or cold fusion, or a unicorn that teaches cold fusion.

Here's your lyre Emperor Nero. It was a lyre, you know....

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