
Pander-bear in a blue pantsuit

I guess I was wrong, Hillary would stoop a little lower. Now she's decided that high-road politics are not for her. Or, she has rededicated herself to proving that there's nothing she won't do. To proving that, rather than say nothing, she'll say anything to buy one more vote.

She's now claiming that she would have walked away from Rev. Wright. Of course she would, is there anything she wouldn't claim to believe, say or have done in order to get another vote?

Why elevate the campaign? Hillary has made a career of political expediency, throwing people under the bus to retain a hold on power.

Of course, her problems with veracity nonwithstanding, Hillary has never been afraid to take the expedient way out.

And now she has the brass juevos to suggest that pledged delegates aren't REALLY pledged. Technically, of course, she's right. But this is like asking what "is" is. These delegates are supposed to cast their ballot in the way they've been instructed to by the voters. It's called Representative Democracy. She might want to brush up on that.

Is Disingenuous her middle name? Between her blowin-in-the-wind positions (supporting the decision not to seat FL and MI, until getting swamped under in the delegate race, when it becomes a human rights issue) and the stuff she'd gotten her husband to say (playing the race card in SC, then claiming it's actually Obama who's doing so), the following question has to be asked:

Do you think Hillary has Bill's Balls (tm) in a jar, only to be released after the swearing in, or does it just seem that way?

Let me get this straight. I loved Bill Clinton. *I* would have gladly blown him just to keep him doing what he was doing. I didn't care if he was getting a side-hummer, I just wanted the country to keep humming along.

But I'm starting to see why Republicans hated him so much. I see Hillary as this slimy, smarmy creature who will say or do anything to get power. Wasn't that the Republican complaint about Bill?

Not that I'm justifying Republican anger, because most of it was a managed construct. I'm just saying....

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