
The circular firing squad

First up: the dish on how totally unqualified Sarah Palin really is. She couldn't name all of the nations in North America, thought Africa was a country and not a continent, and... well, read on.

Before you go all "Nasty Democrat, piling on", this comes from FOX NEWS. That's right, The O'Reilly Factor.


Next up is Brit Hume going all Jeff Gillooly on Karl Rove, calling Ohio for Barack Obama while Karl Rove was in the middle of an electoral map analysis that said John McCain will have a nearly impossible road to victory without Ohio.

"If he loses Ohio," Rove said of McCain, "he goes from 286, which the Republicans carried in 2004, down to 266, and that puts him below the 270 threshold needed to win the White House. So he'd not only need to sweep the rest of these states which were won by the Republicns in 2004, he'd also need to pick up something as well."

"Guess what Karl," Brit Hume broke in, "I've just received word that the state of Ohio has gone for Barack Obama."

Lastly, for now, Joe the Plumber gets his plunger pulled by CNN's Rick Sanchez during an interview on Election Day.

Joe the Plumber: Why are you vetting me out and you haven't done this for Obama? You are asking me all these insane questions I asked a question of an elected public official and you are going to ask me these questions? That's kind of ridiculous man.

Sanchez: You have gone on the air and endorsed John McCain, you are no longer just joe private person, you have thrust yourself into this campaign by holding news conferences talking to reporters and endorsing a candidate. You have to be asked the tough questions my friend. That's the way it works in this country

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