
Christopher Hitchens debates religious influence in America

Christopher Hitchens was a guest on Hardball tonight along with Kenneth Blackwell, from the Family Research Council, to discuss Newsweek's recent cover story titled "The End of Christian America."

As usual with Hitchens, the debate was heated and interesting. Perhaps the most interesting part was the debate over our founding documents. Blackwell posited that the Founding Fathers were Judeo-Christians (and then confused them with the Pilgrims - blending together 150 years of history).

Hitchens, author of God Is Not Great, points out that our founding documents are secular, that Ben Franklin, an athiest, inserted "self-evident" into the Declaration. That Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the document, created his own Bible which eliminated any references to Christ's divinity and that George Washington refused to take Communion.

Blackwell smiled a lot, like he had gastrointestinal discomfort.

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