
So we'll ban peanuts when one kid's allergy flares, but 20 people dead in gun violence this week....

...means nothing. 20 people dead, including 7 cops, in the last week and no outrage. If a series of child molestations harming 20 children had happened, it would be the fault of the left for being soft on crime and we'd be calling to execute the perpetrators.

If 20 kids died last week of peanut allergies, we'd ban peanuts from the public arena.

So what does it take to admit we have a fucking gun problem?

13 in Binghamton

4 police in Oakland

3 more cops in Pittsburgh


The events behind the shootings are as different as can be. The thread that connects them is easy access to firearms.

When will we place blame where it belongs? On their own, the guns themselves didn't massacre these people. But the easy access to them put deadly weapons into the hands of unhinged people and turned these incidents from possible assaults into mass murders.

32 people a day die because of guns. If it were peanuts, they'd be off the shelves.


Please. As a nation can we rationally discuss this? If the subject were anything but guns, we could have a rational discussion. So lets pick a code word to use. How about "death sticks"?

Can we talk about restricting access to death sticks?

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