
Asshat Palin a habitual liar

Sarah Palin, in her "fighting, not quitting" speech, blamed the media and her enemies for launching frivolous ethics complaints that caused Alaskans to spend millions of dollars that could have gone to teachers and cops and firefighters.

Turns out that was a lie too. She arrived at her number by adding up the salaries of Alaska lawyers that would have been paid no matter what they worked on. In other words, that money was never going to be spent on babies and lambs and bunnies and rainbows.
Steve Benen -
But there's new evidence to suggest the argument is just factually wrong. Greg Sargent reported that the governor's own office conceded yesterday that money used to respond to the ethics charges are part of fixed costs that would have gone to the same lawyers, whether the charges were filed it or not. The funds wouldn't have to go schools, police, or transportation, as Palin claimed. The $1.9 million "was arrived at by adding up attorney hours spent on fending off complaints -- based on the fixed salaries of lawyers in the governor's office and the Department of Law. The money would have gone to the lawyers no matter what they were doing."
One of her more glaring flaws is her complete comfort with telling lies and half-truths, and then getting disjointed when they're not just gobbled down whole and accepted as gospel.

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