
Bullshit Mr. President. And fuck you, BTW

In a pre-holiday call with half a dozen top House and Senate Democrats, Obama expressed his concern over advertisements and online campaigns targeting moderate Democrats, whom they criticize for not being fully devoted to "true" health-care reform.

"We shouldn't be focusing resources on each other," Obama opined in the call, according to three sources who participated in or listened to the conversation. "We ought to be focused on winning this debate."

Specifically, Obama said he is hoping left-leaning organizations that worked on his behalf in the presidential campaign will now rally support for "advancing legislation" that fulfills his goal of expanding coverage, controlling rising costs and modernizing the health system.
Obama wants "the left" to turn down the vitriol? Wrong answer, sir.

Without the pressure from the left on "moderate Democrats", we won't get health care, we'll get a watered-down bill that continues the current broken system and pads the pockets of the insurance companies.

My suggestion to Democrats who don't like the pressure is to listen to your constituents. 72% of them want the public option. Do your goddamned jobs and deliver.

I'm so disappointed in Obama on this one.

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