
Best Healthcare in the World

This week, an L.A. sports arena was the setting for a free clinic set up by Remote Area Medical Volunteer Corp. This is a group that normally operates in third-world countries and they had to set up a clinic in Los Angeles to catch citizens who fell through the cracks.

People slept with their children on sidewalks to get one of the 1,500 appointments available. And 1,500 was not enough. Hundreds were turned away.

And yet we have the right-wing making us look like a laughingstock by calling us the best healthcare on the planet. (BTW - we rank #37).
(Reuters) - Inside an aging sports arena, where rows of dental chairs and a hospital smell have replaced the former Los Angeles Lakers basketball court, thousands of Americans are seeking free healthcare.

Hundreds were turned away just on Tuesday, the first day of a weeklong clinic run by the nonprofit Remote Area Medical Volunteer Corp as part of its mission to provide free health, dental and eye care in needy spots around the world.

It marks the first time in RAM's 25 years that it has gone to a major U.S. metropolitan area -- a reminder that even in Los Angeles, with world-class doctors and hospitals, many do not have access to affordable healthcare.

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