
Rep. Eric Massa goes after Dick Cheney, Ed Schultz goes pitbull

Bravo, Eric!

Cheney was responsible (partly) for releasing two of the associates of the Undie-Bomber from Gitmo in 2007.

Rep. Senator Jim DeMint has blocked the confirmation of a TSA head for 9 months, placing the American traveling public in danger. (He also voted against passing a bill called the Improving America's Security Act of 2007, which among other things provided $250 million for airport security. Hypocrite.)

Then Ed calls Dick Cheney a coward and reminds us that 9/11 happened on Bush's watch while they "sat on their fat ass on vacation and did nothing about it".

Why can't Democrats grow some balls and tell it like it is?

I also particularly enjoyed Bob Cesca's new piece at HuffPost on Cheney's dig at Obama:
Needless to say, Cheney is well-qualified to take an authoritative posture when it comes to terrorism. After all, he and his little buddy "kept us safe" from terrorist attacks for eight years, right? Other than the worst terrorist attack in American history, of course, along with the Anthrax Attacks, the Beltway Snipers, the thousands of terrorist attacks on our contractors and soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the attacks on our allies in London and Madrid, Cheney did a fine job keeping us safe (more about this in my book). Good job, Mr. Cheney!

So it wasn't any surprise when Cheney stopped thumbing through Uncle Billy's misplaced $8,000 long enough to fire off a few words about the failed Underpants Bomber attempt and the Obama administration's response. And since Dick Cheney is a very serious terrorism expert -- mainly because more Americans died in terrorist attacks on his watch than any other vice president ever -- the media gobbled it up, practically unchallenged.

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