
What color is the sun in wingnut world?

Are you shitting me?

This is more of the 'if we say it long enough, the sheeple will fall in line' theory of politics that the right-wing is basing their hopes on. No solutions, no answers, just lies and misdirection.
"I was there, we inherited a recession from President Clinton and we inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation’s history. And President Bush dealt with it and within a year of his presidency within a comparable time, unemployment was at 5 percent."

Mary Matalin suggesting that Bush inherited 9/11

DougJ at BalloonJuice asks why Republicans aren't held to the same standards as Democrats?
It’s an outright lie and not just because they didn’t “inherit” 9/11—unemployment was actually 5.7% December 2001, as compared with 4.2% when Bush took office, and it rose to 6.3% by 2003.
At what point does America stop taking these clowns seriously? Why does the media pander to their lies? How do the "serious journalists" at CNN not call her on the obvious baldfaced lie she told?

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