
They don't even know what they stand for

via Cesca

John Boehner several days ago:
"If the President intends to present any kind of legislative proposal at this discussion, will he make it available to members of Congress and the American people at least 72 hours beforehand?"
As Benen notes, in response, the White House agreed to release the healthcare plan online 72 hours before the summit. Which, of course, Boehner bitched about, suggesting that no proposal be presented. Just a blank sheet of paper.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are vigorously opposing policies they used to endorse.
From a deficit commission to PAYGO, cap-and-trade to a financial industry bailout, civilian trials for terrorist suspects to stimulus aid for their districts, it's become routine for Republicans to embrace and reject the same proposals, almost at the same time.
And, even though they voted against the stimulus and are currently campaigning against it, they're petitioning various governmental departments to hand over stimulus money to their districts:
More than a dozen Republican lawmakers supported stimulus-funding requests submitted to the Department of Labor, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Forest Service, in letters obtained by The Wall Street Journal through the Freedom of Information Act.
What the hell is this? What do they stand for? Last night, Rachel Maddow described the Republicans as not caring about policy. That's putting it nicely. They're a party that only stands for the opposite of what the Democrats stand for. No wonder Republican voters are so insane right now.

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